Connecting Delco Through Parks

At Delco Greenways we believe in the power of nature to bring people together, as we work to balance out the power of pavement & cars, which often accidentally destroy land and isolate people.

Join us in reducing the stress of driving and dodging car, and discovering the joy of getting around our many parks and waterways, and connecting with nature, and each other.

broad, and short waterfall at the dam of Ridley Creek State park, in the fall.
broad, and short waterfall at the dam of Ridley Creek State park, in the fall.


Cars isolate us from people, and places, and put us in high-alert fight or flight mode for hours a day. We need alternatives to get around that bring joy to our day, not stress.

Get around Delaware County In Style and Grace

Join us in getting Deleware County connected by trails for walking and biking, opening our beautiful streams to Kayaks, and canoes. Connect to your neighbors, communities, and the beautiful landscape that they are literally built upon.

broad, and short waterfall at the dam of Ridley Creek State park, in the fall.
broad, and short waterfall at the dam of Ridley Creek State park, in the fall.