First Post

First Post

Far McKon

5/7/20231 min read

Logo for Delco Greenways
Logo for Delco Greenways

This is the first post for Delco Greenway(s). I have loved visting Media, Ridley Creek State park, and so many places in Deleware County since moving to Philly years ago. When I got a chance to move to Rose Tree this past summer, I was delighted at the balance of great walkable towns (looking at you $X, $Y, %S) and the beautiful parks, glens, and outdoor spaces.

However, after nearly a year here, I've become a constant daily driver. Stressed, annoyed, and always rushed, or rushing someone else. I've had to shout conversations as cars rush feet from me on a sidewalk. I've watched reckless speeding and swerving around walkers on country lanes, like they are offended anyone dare to go by bike or feet on their precious weekend raceway.

We need to dial down cars, and dial up community. We need to fight for the right, and the joy, of getting around without being strapped to a multi-ton pile of metal and rubber.

We hope to build wakable and bikeable connections between towns and parks. We hope to reduce car accidents, and increase joy, by creating paths and right-of-ways to visit our neighbors, shops, and civic buildings, without the need to lug around a 10 x6 pile of metal.